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Russell Brunson & Pedro Adao Reveal How To Launch, Grow, Or Scale Any Business (Online Or Off) Using A ‘Challenge Funnel’!

The ONE Funnel Every Business Needs, Even If You Suck At Marketing!

5 Days, Just 60 Minutes A Day

Is The 'Challenge Secrets Masterclass'

For Me And My Business...??

Yes! This ‘Challenge Secrets Masterclass’ is especially for you if...

Sign Up Today...

...and we’ll show you, step-by-step on how to build a highly successful “challenge funnel” for you, your business, or your clients’ businesses... and then give you the funnel template for FREE!

AT LAST! The “Funnel Guy” Teams-Up With The “Challenge Guy” For A

Once-In-A-Lifetime Masterclass!

From: Russell Brunson

Dear Frustrated Business Owner:

If you want the ONE AND ONLY funnel that runs like clockwork to bring in new customers on the daily… without fuss, daily maintenance, or figuring it out on your own…

… then you’re at the right place.

Here’s the story:

I was cornered…

Pedro Adao, a member of my Inner Circle, cornered me in Mexico at our mastermind and asked me point blank:

“If you had just ONE funnel, what funnel would that be?”

And I told him the truth:

“It would be the Challenge Funnel.”

Why the “Challenge Funnel”?

…Because “challenge funnels” are the fastest way to get results, have online success, and transform ice cold prospects into red-hot buyers!

Simply put – it’s the perfect funnel if you want MORE leads and MORE sales in a FRACTION of the time it would normally take than with a regular ol’ lead capture funnel.

Plus, they are the BEST funnels for folks that don’t want to build funnels... but want a working funnel for their business!

Challenge Funnels work, and they are incredibly effective, especially if you’re just getting started.

When Pedro started, he didn’t have an email list or any social media following to speak of… and wasn’t even trying to launch or sell anything when he ran his first challenge.

But he served his audience so well in the challenge, that many of the participants begged him to keep the training going.

Since then, Pedro has personally done over 70+ highly-profitable challenges and partnered with world-renowned entrepreneurs, helping them with their own challenges!

Challenge Funnels are being used by the biggest names including Grant Cardone, Dan Kennedy, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, myself (Russell), Brooke Castillo, and a TON more!

Join Pedro Adao & Russell Brunson:

FREE Challenge Secrets Masterclass!

When you say “yes” and join the challenge for free today, we’ll show you, in just 60 minutes a day for 5 days, how to easily (and quickly) build and launch a challenge funnel for your own offer!

Here’s What You Can Expect From The 5-Day Challenge:

DAY #1

What Is A “Challenge Funnel”

(And Why Is It The Only Funnel Your Business Needs)?

On day one of the Challenge Secrets Masterclass, we’re going to show you:

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DAY #2

Irresistible Challenge Offers

On day two, we are going to show you the 3 types of irresistible offers you can make to your challenge participants

(Hint: This works incredibly well even if you don’t yet have your own product or service).

With Special Guests:

Tresa Todd

Bari Baumgardner

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DAY #3

Creating An Irresistible Challenge

What makes your “challenge” stand-out among the rest? What makes your “challenge” irresistible?

There may be other challenges out there… but most are doing it WRONG.

On day three, we’ll show you how to design, layout, and structure your challenge the RIGHT way, as well as nail down your challenge’s “big idea,” attracting the leads you WANT!

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DAY #4

Challenge Traffic Secrets!

On day 4, we’re going to show you how to fill up your challenges for free with one super simple and proven organic traffic secret PLUS one powerful paid traffic secret for those of you that are ready to scale.

With Special Guests:

Richmond Dinh

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DAY #5

The Secrets To Selling While Serving

On the fifth and final day of the challenge, we’ll show you what and how to teach in your challenge so your participants feel well served and excited about moving forward with you and your offer.

This is especially for you if you struggle with feeling sales-y when trying other “pitching” methods.

With Special Guests:

Dean Graziosi

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DAY #6

Crush It With Challenges

Want to see MORE real-world examples of challenge funnels, including case studies?

Then don’t miss the bonus day! This is a great opportunity to see how challenge funnels work in today’s market and for all different types of entrepreneurs and niches.

With Special Guests:

John Parkes

Click Here To Save Your Free Seat Now!

But Hurry! We're Filling Up Fast...

We are limited on our virtual bandwidth. That means once we’ve reached capacity, we’re closing down this page...

So Don’t Wait! Join The Challenge Secrets Masterclass For Free Right Now!

Your Hosts During This

5-Day Challenge Secrets Masterclass!

Pedro Adao

Pedro Adao is an 8-Figure Entrepreneur, who started 2018 with $0 sales online and grew to over $10M a year in sales by 2020.

Has profitably run over 70+ challenges in a row, the #1 Go-To Marketing Industry Expert on Challenges, and the innovator of the 5-Day Challenge Framework that has changed the entire landscape of online marketing.

He’s also a 8-time ClickFunnels Two-Comma Club Award winner and a two-time Two-Comma Club X, and now Two-Comma Club C Award winner!

Russell Brunson

Russell Brunson is a best-selling author, serial entrepreneur with over 20+ years in the online marketing world, and widely known as THE “funnel guy.”

He’s the co-founder of ClickFunnels, the #1 tool for small business owners and entrepreneurs to get more leads that turn into sales using funnels.

Your Chance To Achieve The Online Sales You've Always Wanted Is Right Now...

...Will You Take It?

What Folks Are Saying About

Pedro's Challenges!

It’s absolutely incredible what Pedro has been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time…Pedro has shifted the entire online marketing industry”.

Russell Brunson

“I got to be in the room in Nashville when Pedro shot his first version of Crush it With Challenges. I implemented what I learned in that workshop and have gone on to do 12, Million Dollar Challenges. We did over $15M in revenue last year on the back of Pedro’s challenge model and coaching”

Tresa Todd

“Pedro has taken online challenges to a whole new level in the modern era… We just did what Pedro told us to do and we Crushed It”

Dean Graziosi

“I get to work with some of the most brilliant entrepreneurs and speakers in the world…and Pedro Adao is undoubtedly one of them. Why would you even attempt to learn this on your own or from anyone else when you can learn from Pedro, the person that created it.”

Bari Baumgardner

“We just did what Pedro told us to do and went from a 6 figure year, to having a 6 figure month, to now 6 and even 7 figure days. Challenges work and if you ever get the opportunity to work with Pedro in a group or 1:1, do it.”

Stephen and Chelsey Diaz

“Every 7 to 8 years something or someone new shows up in the marketing world that changes the game. That raises the bar and sets a new standard that the rest of the industry… that person is Pedro Adao”

John Lee Dumas

“I had heard of challenges & thought they were overdone until I saw Pedro doing it for Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi. I’m always looking for ways to optimize what we do and Pedro’s challenge framework was the way to do it.”

Lewis Howes

“Pedro broke down his challenge model for Roland Frasier and I…Dude is super smart”

Ryan Deiss

“I’m now convinced the greatest competitive advantage you can have online today is knowing how to run challenges that convert. I have not seen anyone do challenges better than Pedro Adao.”

Jason Fladlien

Ready To Turn That Side-Hustle Into A Full-Time Business Without Doing Any Of The Work...?!?

What You Can Expect From The 'Challenge Secrets' Masterclass'!

BEFORE The Challenge:

AFTER The Challenge:

Here's Everything You Get When You Sign Up For

'The Challenge Secrets Masterclass' Today!

Normally: $2,997

Today's Price: 100% FREE!

$2.997 Value 100% FREE • Starting Monday


5-Day Virtual Event: 'Challenge Secrets Masterclass'


Monday - Friday @ 12 PM EST
(60 minutes per challenge day)


So you can finally have the life and business you want, without the needless hassles and headaches of traditional online marketing!

Now's The Time To Get Off The Sidelines And Get In The Game...

Join 'The Challenge Secrets Masterclass' Today!

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Secrets Of Success Challenge:

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