IMPORTANT: Follow The Next Steps Below To Prepare For The Challenge Secrets Masterclass!
Reminder: Make Sure To Check Your Email With All Of The Important VIP Details
Put It On The Calendar!
Monday - Friday | 12 PM Eastern Time
I want to encourage you to do everything in your power to show up at least 5 minutes before the start of each training session— you don’t miss a single moment of this challenge and the VIP experience!
Each training session will last around 90 minutes, so make sure you block off at least 2 hours and really commit to attending each training for the entire duration so you can soak up as much value as possible!!
Note: you will receive email and text reminders as we get closer to the live event!
Start Your First Assignment!
No Time To Waste!
Download your free workbook, and jump into your first assignament that’s already waiting for you!