Success Stories

It’s absolutely incredible what Pedro has been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time…Pedro has shifted the entire online marketing industry”.

Russell Brunson

“I got to be in the room in Nashville when Pedro shot his first version of Crush it With Challenges. I implemented what I learned in that workshop and have gone on to do 12, Million Dollar Challenges. We did over $15M in revenue last year on the back of Pedro’s challenge model and coaching”

Tresa Todd

“Pedro has taken online challenges to a whole new level in the modern era… We just did what Pedro told us to do and we Crushed It”

Dean Graziosi

“I get to work with some of the most brilliant entrepreneurs and speakers in the world…and Pedro Adao is undoubtedly one of them. Why would you even attempt to learn this on your own or from anyone else when you can learn from Pedro, the person that created it.”

Bari Baumgardner

“We just did what Pedro told us to do and went from a 6 figure year, to having a 6 figure month, to now 6 and even 7 figure days. Challenges work and if you ever get the opportunity to work with Pedro in a group or 1:1, do it.”

Stephen and Chelsey Diaz

“Every 7 to 8 years something or someone new shows up in the marketing world that changes the game. That raises the bar and sets a new standard that the rest of the industry… that person is Pedro Adao”

John Lee Dumas

“I had heard of challenges & thought they were overdone until I saw Pedro doing it for Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi. I’m always looking for ways to optimize what we do and Pedro’s challenge framework was the way to do it.”

Lewis Howes

“Pedro broke down his challenge model for Roland Frasier and I…Dude is super smart”

Ryan Deiss

“I’m now convinced the greatest competitive advantage you can have online today is knowing how to run challenges that convert. I have not seen anyone do challenges better than Pedro Adao.”

Jason Fladlien

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